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Godot UI

  • If you’re seeing a Control node in world space, then it’s likely because you didn’t use a canvas layer (reference). Don’t make your UI a child of a Camera (reference).
  • Containers are intended to be used to size/position children.
    • Control nodes themselves sort of break this. I don’t think that adding Control nodes is generally a good solution. It’s probably better to position using more containers when possible. E.g. one time, I wanted a “Close” button at the upper right of a dialog, so I put the first item in the dialog into an HBoxContainer, that way the “Close” button could live in that container.
    • If you want a container to shrink to the size of its children, then you probably just need to wrap your container inside one that does shrink to its children, e.g. a VBoxContainer. E.g. if you’re making a Label or RichTextLabel that you want to shrink for a tooltip, your tree should probably be VBoxContainerPanelContainerMarginContainerLabel.
      • If it’s still not shrinking, then perhaps the anchors are setting a minimum size without you realizing it. Changing to “Custom” anchors will show the offsets, and if they’re >0, then it could be why your control isn’t shrinking.
    • As an example, at one point, I wanted to make a GridContainer with highlightable rows, so I thought I would use a ColorRect in conjunction with the grid. But due to how container positioning works, it was actually much easier to override Draw (reference).
  • You have to mark input as handled (reference), e.g. call AcceptEvent() from _GuiInput and call GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled() from _UnhandledInput. Without this, I think you may see strange behavior where an event seems to be consumed twice.
  • TextureProgressBar has an “over” texture; it’s for some texture that should cover the entire lifebar. If you want to use it for a border, I think you would need to do more than just provide a solid, filled rectangle (e.g. you would need a proper border graphic or use a 9-patch rect).
  • Line spacing with labels
    • Label has a line_spacing property that defaults to 3, whereas RichTextLabel has a line_separation property with a default of 0. They don’t quite have the same behavior, though; line_separation will make RichTextLabels bigger even if they’re only a single line long. The only workaround I found for now is to throw the next UI element into a VBoxContainer with a negative separation property. Note that I asked about this in the Godot Discord here, but I didn’t get a response, so I filed an issue.
  • If a ScrollContainer isn’t sizing properly along one axis, then perhaps you have that axis’s scroll mode set to Auto instead of Disabled.
  • Primer video on anchors
    • If you position something with an anchor and it doesn’t work how you expect, consider adding that thing to a Control node with size 0,0 and positioning the Control node where you want it.

In general, if you find yourself trying to write code to detect if the mouse is within a rectangle yourself, then you’re likely doing things wrong.

E.g. I originally tried to use global_position and global_scale to figure out a Rect2 so that I could call has_point on it with event.position. However, this didn’t take the Camera2D’s bounds into account, so it would mess up whenever I moved the camera, and probably would have been a pain to maintain anyway.

Instead, the “right” way to do things is to add an Area2D and CollisionShape2D to your object, then use the Area2D’s input_event signal:

func _on_input_event(_viewport: Node, event: InputEvent, _shape_idx: int) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed:
# do something

Then, the issue I ran into was that my CanvasLayer was consuming clicks (reference). I had a Control under the CanvasLayer whose mouse_filter I needed to set to IGNORE. If you want to figure out which Control is getting clicks, run your game from Godot, then click Debugger → Misc to see the last-clicked Control (and keep in mind, it’s a Control specifically since it’s presumably acting off of gui_input):

If you’re working with Node2Ds and not Controls, e.g. Area2D, then you need to rely on physics picking. See Input event handling for more information.

If you still can’t figure out why a node isn’t receiving input, add this code to the node:

public override void _UnhandledInput(InputEvent @event)

…if it doesn’t print a bunch of Mouse motion at position messages while hovering over the component, then something must be consuming the events before it.

  • Use Debugger → Misc to figure out which component is being clicked.
  • Turn off visibility of nodes directly in the editor while the game is running. Eventually, your component should get the events, meaning you’ve found the offending node.
    • If you haven’t, it’s possible that a parent Control has a mouse filter set to Stop, in which case try changing ancestors’ mouse filters to Pass
  • Consult this page of the documentation for more information about how input handling works.

For example, I had this scene tree at one point:

  • VBoxContainer Game
    • SubViewportContainer Container - with Disable Input off and Object Picking on
      • SubViewport
        • Sprite2D

…the sprite was getting UnhandledInput for mouse events as expected, but Game wasn’t. It’s because SubViewportContainer was propagating the right-click event to the SubViewport, which I needed to stop with this code:

public override bool _PropagateInputEvent(InputEvent @event)
if (
@event is InputEventMouseButton inputEventMouseButton
&& inputEventMouseButton.Pressed
&& inputEventMouseButton.ButtonIndex == MouseButton.Right
return false;
return true;

However, understanding this particular scenario for mouse clicks is quite difficult. At least in Godot 4.3, if I have this setup:

  • Override _UnhandledInput in all four nodes to print the event
  • Set mouse filter on Container to Pass
  • Set Disable Input on SubViewport to false

…I get this output when I right-click:

[UNHANDLED] Right-click in Sprite2D
[UNHANDLED] Right-click in SubViewport

Note that it matters where you right-click. E.g. you may have black bars around your game due to the aspect ratio and window size. In that case, the output you get when you click can change based on where the mouse was.

Anyway, it’s strange to me that Game doesn’t get to process the click as unhandled input. My thought process is this: the click isn’t handled in a child node, so I would expect it to propagate up the scene tree. It’s also strange that SubViewportContainer doesn’t print anything.

If I take that same setup and override SubViewportContainer’s _PropagateInputEvent so that right-click isn’t propagated, I get this output:

[UNHANDLED] Right-click in SubViewportContainer
[UNHANDLED] Right-click in Game

In other words, now the SubViewport doesn’t get the input at all (since it’s not propagated), and the Game gets a chance to handle the input. This seems to be the same behavior you can achieve by setting Container’s mouse filter is Ignore (although that will affect all mouse events, not just right-click).

I can’t explain this though. 😢 When right-click events are propagated to the SubViewport, why doesn’t SubViewportContainer or Game get the clicks as unhandled input?

I think it may just be how SubViewports handle inputs. If you put this code in the SubViewportContainer:

public override void _UnhandledInput(InputEvent @event)
if (
@event is InputEventMouseButton inputEventMouseButton
&& inputEventMouseButton.Pressed
&& inputEventMouseButton.ButtonIndex == MouseButton.Right
GD.Print("[UNHANDLED] Right-click in SubViewportContainer");

…then after the SubViewportContainer gets the input, it will pass it to the SubViewport and you’ll see this:

[UNHANDLED] Right-click in SubViewportContainer
[UNHANDLED] Right-click in Sprite2D
[UNHANDLED] Right-click in SubViewport

The important part is that the Game still doesn’t trigger its unhandled input at all, meaning the SubViewport must be consuming the event. I don’t see code for this in the Godot engine itself.

Either way, here are my conclusions:

  • I don’t fully understand why mouse clicks don’t propagate up through unhandled input. Something must be marking it as handled even in my minimal repros which have no such calls to mark it handled. I filed a bug on this.
  • None of this unusual behavior would happen if you turn Object Picking off. However, then you wouldn’t be able to click anything with a collider (e.g. an item or NPC in your game).
  • If you use a SubViewportContainer and a SubViewport and can’t get the parent of those nodes to process input, then consider overriding _PropagateInputEvent (or maybe calling PushInput on the Viewport depending on what you need)

Another consideration for clickability

Section titled Another consideration for clickability

At one point, I ran into this situation with my game:

  • I wanted a horizontal ScrollContainer to contain up to three elements.
  • The elements would be centered on the bottom of the screen.
  • If the game window wasn’t wide enough room, you would scroll the container either via the scroll wheel or by clicking and dragging one of the elements.

The problem I had with this was that the ScrollContainer was set to always take up the entirety of the screen, so when there were no elements, there would just be an invisible Control consuming mouse inputs.

I tried a bunch of stupid things like redirecting input events before realizing two key things:

  • The ScrollContainer simply shouldn’t be taking up the full screen if there aren’t visible elements within it.
  • The ScrollContainer should be in charge of the clicking and dragging. E.g. one of the problems I ran into when trying to have the elements handle it was that there was padding between the elements that the elements couldn’t know about and thus couldn’t have an event handler for.

This page of documentation has the order that input handling works. It’s important to note that clicks happening from colliders are considered part of the final step, physics picking. This is not sorted by default, although that’s possible via physics_object_picking_sort, which has an “expensive computational cost”. You can’t just rely on Control nodes for Node2D because they won’t be affected by the 2D transforms of their parents. This issue is sort of similar to everything mentioned here.

Thus, if your input events aren’t happening in the right order, you essentially have two options:

  • If it’s just physics picking that’s in the wrong order, enable physics_object_picking_sort.
  • If it’s across several different types of input events, then you need to use a different event entirely. For example, suppose you have an object that requires picking, but you can’t wait until the physics-picking step. In that case, you can “promote” it to an input event:
    • Keep track of a bool _isMouseOver
    • Connect to MouseEntered and MouseExited to set that boolean properly
    • In _Input, make sure _isMouseOver == true when you click something
  • Add your TTF font to res://assets/fonts (not required, but a good convention)
  • Choose “New FontFile” and drag your file onto it
  • Alternatively, you can set it everywhere via Project Settings → GUI → Theme → Custom Font.

I didn’t find a lot of information online about this. In short, I wanted a Button whose label was a RichTextLabel instead of a regular Label, that way I could use multiple fonts or multiple icons or even just multiple colors within the label.

I think there are a few general approaches here:

  • A Button with a RichTextLabel as a child. Caveats:
    • Button isn’t a container, so you would need to manually size the Button so that it’s at least as big as its children, otherwise the clickable area won’t align with the contents of the button.
    • Many properties/functions in Button are not virtual, so you won’t have proper behavior when all you have is a Button reference and not your custom RichTextButton reference. E.g. imagine this code: Button b = GetNode<Button>("%MyRichTextButton"); b.Text = "Click me";. This won’t update the text of the RichTextLabel, nor could it be made to. You would have to have a RichTextButton b = GetNode<RichTextButton>(...) for it to work.
  • ⭐️ A Container with two children: a Button and a Container, and the Container has any arbitrary contents. Caveats:
    • Same as above that Button doesn’t have virtual properties/functions. However, since a Container is now the root of the scene, you wouldn’t even have Button references; you would have ButtonWithCustomChildren references.
  • A RichTextLabel that acts like a button. Caveats:
    • You would need to handle clicks yourself, which is easy.
    • You would need to handle styles yourself, which is slightly more involved. I assume you would actually have a PanelContainer with a RichTextLabel under it, and the PanelContainer would have styles like a Button does that are applied dynamically. You would accomplish this via [Export] parameters.
    • Callers/users wouldn’t be able to benefit from having Button references. E.g. you couldn’t do something like GetChildren().OfType<Button>() and to fetch your button.
  • This is a bit out-there, but you could have a TextureButton whose texture is a ViewportTexture, then you throw whatever you want into the viewport. Caveats:
    • This feels hacky, so I didn’t look into this too much.

I think the best idea is the starred one above. E.g. I did this for a button that looked like this: Pasted image 20250110131153.png

The scene tree for this is:

  • MarginContainer - this can’t be something like CenterContainer or it wouldn’t allow the button to resize itself. PanelContainer could work, but it would need to have no panel since the Button will act as the panel.
    • Button - this is set to fill the container both horizontally and vertically so that it doesn’t need any custom sizing logic.
    • MarginContainer - this is a container for any arbitrary children, e.g. a RichTextLabel. I happened to need a texture and a label, which is why I have a container beneath this with both of those.
      • HBoxContainer
        • TextureRect
        • Label

The script on the root has a function like this to make sure that only the button is clickable:

protected void MakeAllChildrenIgnoreMouse()
Queue<Node> nodesToChange = new(_childrenContainer.GetChildren());
while (nodesToChange.Count > 0)
Node node = nodesToChange.Dequeue();
if (node is Control control)
control.MouseFilter = MouseFilterEnum.Ignore;
IReadOnlyList<Node> children = node.GetChildren();
foreach (Node child in children)

Tween code can get ugly pretty quickly. It may be better to use an AnimationPlayer, especially because then you can play the animations directly in Godot rather than having to build/run/test your tweens repeatedly.

Callable tweenFontSize = Callable.From<int>(TweenFontSize);
sizeTween.TweenMethod(tweenFontSize, 19, 25, 1);
sizeTween.TweenMethod(tweenFontSize, 25, 19, 1);
private void TweenFontSize(int value)
_label.AddThemeFontSizeOverride("font_size", value);


  • I tried tweening a Label’s scale, but it sort of jittered the position.
  • The font size is an integer, so tweening it may still look sort of jittery.
    • I got around that by making the font huge (~300px) and then setting the scale to ~0.06 (for an effective font size of 18px). However, this caused several problems (all fixable):
      • When I updated the pivot via code, the label would move down and right. I fixed this by making sure I had the correct pivot set in the editor.
      • When I increased the label size, the text would move depending on its anchor. I fixed this by making the size of the label large enough to accommodate the biggest font size that would be applied.
      • The outline and shadow needed to be scaled up, too. However, whenever you update the outline, you may also need to change the MSDF Pixel Range of the font (in the Import settings) since it’s always supposed to be at least 2x the largest outline used (reference).

I ran into a situation where I wanted to set a maximum size of 0px so that I could animate a container growing. However, the container itself had a minimum size of 27 px because of a button with a label in it. I didn’t want to have to hide every child with a minimum size, so I concocted this solution:

  • Make a SubViewportContainer with a SubViewport underneath it
  • Add your container to the SubViewport and set its anchor to “Full Rect”
  • Set the minimum size of the SubViewportContainer to the maximum size that you wanted originally (you can do this through code)
  • If the SubViewportContainer has a sibling, then make sure its container sizing has “Expand” turned off

There are other solutions out there which may be helpful, e.g. this GitHub repo.

This is on Godot 4.4 (not that it requires 4.4). I wanted a game menu that would:

  • Be centered
  • Expand no bigger than the size of its children
  • Shrink when the game window got to be too small
    • Be scrollable when it shrinks

I ended up with this scene tree:


  • The ScrollContainer has an anchor of VCenter Wide
    • The problem with this though is that it’ll either absorb mouse clicks in the blank area or not be able to handle scroll-wheel events. The only way I could figure out how to work around this was to add a script to the ScrollContainer to forward the clicks to another control:
      public partial class ScrollContainerForwardingClicks : ScrollContainer
      public event Action? OnClick;
      public override void _GuiInput(InputEvent @event)
      if (@event is InputEventMouseButton b && b.ButtonIndex == MouseButton.Left)
      OnClick?.Invoke(); // then, my InGameMenu listens for this and acts like the background was clicked (i.e. it closes the menu)
  • The VBoxContainer just beneath has “shrink center” and is set to expand vertically
  • There may be some nodes or general structure that is superfluous; this is just the first thing I got to work and I wanted to take a note on it.
  • A CanvasItem may have its Visible property set to true but still not actually be visible in the tree (reference). You have to use IsVisibleInTree() for that.
  • To find out when a CanvasItem is shown or hidden even due to a parent being shown or hidden, use the VisibilityChanged signal.

Spritesheet sprite in a TextureRect

Section titled Spritesheet sprite in a TextureRect
  • To use a single sprite from a spritesheet as a TextureRect, use an AtlasTexture.
    • Make a new TextureRect
    • In the Inspector, make a new AtlasTexture
    • Expand the AtlasTexture so that you can see the “Atlas” property
    • Drag a spritesheet onto the “Atlas”
    • Set the region below it

  • If you end up using the AtlasTexture a lot, you can save it as a file and share it between controls.
  • Note: I had found a much more complicated way of doing this with a ViewportTexture in the TextureRect, then a sibling Viewport in the scene with a Sprite child of that Viewport, but then the Sprite size had to be doubled for some reason and I couldn’t figure out why.

Centering an AtlasTexture sprite in a layout

Section titled Centering an AtlasTexture sprite in a layout

To achieve something like this:

…my scene tree looks like this:

  • Panel
    • GridContainer
      • TextureRect
      • CenterContainer
        • Label

The TextureRect has “Keep Aspect Centered”:

Center elements in a GridContainer

Section titled Center elements in a GridContainer

This is sort of like “justify-content: space-between” in CSS:

How I accomplished this was with this scene tree:

  • Container
    • CenterContainer
      • Label (“Row 1”)
    • GridContainer (or HBoxContainer if you want)
      • Label (“Row”)
      • Label (“Two”)
      • Label (“Here”)

The GridContainer has 3 columns and has the “fill” and “expand” size flags for “Horizontal” (the scripting constant for this is SIZE_EXPAND_FILL). Each child label has the same horizontal size flags and also “Align: Center”.

To get closer to “justify-content: space-between”, I think you’d just set the middle label to SIZE_EXPAND_FILL, not the left/right labels.

Overlapping problems with containers

Section titled Overlapping problems with containers

I kept running into issues like this:

This is a scene tree that looks like this:

  • VBoxContainer
    • CenterContainer
      • HBoxContainer
        • Item
    • CenterContainer
      • HBoxContainer
        • Item
        • Item
    • CenterContainer
      • HBoxContainer
        • Item
        • Item

…where “Item” was itself another scene whose root node was a Panel:

My issue ended up being that I didn’t set a minimum size on the Panel in Item. Without that, a CenterContainer can’t know how big the Panel should be, so it sets the size to (0, 0).

Alternatively, you could be running into this issue where dynamically laying out a container’s children isn’t straightforward.

A MarginContainer is like the “padding” style in HTML; it puts extra space inside the container. This is not to be confused with the “Margin” properties on all Control nodes! MarginContainer’s properties are here:

Here’s a MarginContainer with a Panel as a child:

As you can see, the panel is “pulled away” from each edge by 25 pixels.

Positioning labels or other UI through code

Section titled Positioning labels or other UI through code

Making a Label and setting its text doesn’t immediately update its size (reference). Call get_combined_minimum_size() instead of size, and if that still doesn’t work (e.g. the CanvasItem was only just shown in the scene tree), then wait for process_frame, e.g. await ToSignal(GetTree(), SceneTree.SignalName.ProcessFrame); (reference).


  • The reason why you have to get the combined minimum size is because MinimumSize can report a size a smaller than CustomMinimumSize, so CombinedMinimumSize is the larger of the two, which is the actual minimum size. I don’t understand what MinimumSize actually represents (the documentation says it’s the “internal minimum size”).
  • Invisible nodes may not ever have their proper sizes reported, in which case you would have to make them visible first.
  • There’s still an oddity on Windows sometimes where the size of something is reported as 0 even after waiting for the next frame. I didn’t have time to investigate, but if everything is working fine on macOS but not on Windows, then consider just calculating the size of that thing yourself. I don’t have anything to link to due to the lack of an investigation on this. Private Skeleseller code is here.

Go to Theme Overrides → Styles → Normal → Make a StyleBoxFlat

To do this through GDScript (reference) (WARNING: this may cause Godot to freeze/crash on exit due to this issue (which should be fixed by this PR, but if not, consider keeping references to styleboxes from GDScript)):

var new_stylebox_normal: StyleboxFlat = $MyButton.get_theme_stylebox("normal").duplicate()
new_stylebox_normal.bg_color = Color.DARK_GREEN
$MyButton.add_theme_stylebox_override("normal", new_stylebox_normal)
# Later, you can remove the stylebox override:

When working with 2D scenes, the UI isn’t just automatically placed in screen coordinates. I believe this is what you’d use a CanvasLayer for (reference). follow_viewport_enabled should be off in that case.

If you want many components in a UI to use the same theme, make a theme in the inspector, then modify it using the “Theme” button at the bottom of the editor:

To use this:

  • Start by clicking the ➕ button at the upper right and selecting something like “Button”.
  • From there, you can customize all of the shared properties of a button. This still isn’t the most straightforward though.
    • Click the ➕ button to the left of one of the style boxes to add a new one
    • Select “New StyleBoxFlat”
    • Click the StyleBoxFlat that you just made to change the inspector to that style box

You can apply a theme to a control node and it will be inherited by all children.

Also, you can apply a default theme across your whole project using Project settings → GUI → Theme → Custom (it’s literally just the name “Custom” for right now).

If you want variations for a single control (e.g. a different Button style), you should use theme type variations. They even support multiple levels of “inheritance”, so you can have Button, BlueButton, and LargeBlueButton if you want.

However, suppose you need variations for multiple controls. Let’s say you have a PanelContainer with some Buttons underneath, and you want:

  • A green panel with green buttons
  • A blue panel with blue buttons

You have a few options:

  • Make a whole new theme
    • You could just duplicate everything into a new theme. The downside is that any common properties (e.g. font size) would need to be modified in multiple locations.
    • You could use a base theme with common properties and override only what’s needed:
      • Add a Control above your PanelContainer and assign BaseTheme.tres. BaseTheme would define common properties like the font, font size, etc.
      • Set the theme of your PanelContainer to be either BlueTheme.tres or GreenTheme.tres. These themes would only need to define overrides, e.g. colors and styles. The fonts and font sizes would still be pulled from the base theme.
      • Downsides of this approach:
        • You need an extra Control in your scene just to set the base theme.
        • When previewing the theme that has the overrides, it won’t show with any of the common properties. E.g. if BaseTheme.tres is the only place where the font is declared, then the preview of GreenTheme.tres will show with the basic Godot font.
  • Add variations for each control (PanelContainer and Button) and set those through code. The downside here is that any controls added at runtime need variations set on them since theme_type_variation only affects a single node and not the descendents. Themes, on the other hand, automatically get applied to any descendent as well.
  • Wait for this proposal on Resource inheritance (which is this PR)

It’s best to make a PanelContainer and override its style to have a StyleBoxFlat with your nine-patch texture:

As shown, I’m using only a specific region within UI.png which is 48x48. Because there are 9 tiles inside that 48x48 region, I set the texture margins to 16x16 (since 48*48 == 9*16*16).

If the borders of your graphic are stretching, then it means that you didn’t set the texture margins correctly.

TextureProgressBar has a height of 1px

Section titled TextureProgressBar has a height of 1px

This is probably because you need to check this the “Nine Patch Stretch” box. If not for that, then your container sizing or containers may be wrong (or just the size of the component is wrong if it’s not in a container).

See this; you generally just need to set the stretch mode to canvas_items in the project settings. However, that mode isn’t recommended for pixel art due to how it scales.

If you can’t do that, then turn on theme/default_font_multichannel_signed_distance_field in the project settings and make sure each label/button/whatever’s filter setting is “Linear”, not “Nearest”. This isn’t perfect though. It’s just really, really hard to get font settings to look good in a pixel-art game. Perhaps consider using a bitmap font.

If the blurry text only appears inside a tooltip, then I think that’s just a bug.

A font has “holes” or weird artifacts

Section titled A font has “holes” or weird artifacts

Pasted image 20240902154049.png

This is caused by the font having overlapping glyphs (reference). The official documentation even talks specifically about using MSDF and Google Fonts.

In this picture, see how the word “battle” has its characters misaligned vertically?

This is caused by a combination of the hinting property, which snaps glyphs to integral coordinates (reference), and the MSDF size (if MSDF is enabled), which is a feature used to pre-generate textures for different font sizes. It should not be caused by gui/theme/default_font_subpixel_positioning, which only affects horizontal positioning. It’s much clearer if you select a font in Godot, click “Import” at the upper left, then click “Advanced…” and just try changing some settings:

Pasted image 20240725092909.png

Pasted image 20240725092921.png