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Nektar SE25

  • Press play and rewind at the same time.
  • At this point, the play/record/rewind/ff keys will perform DAW actions.
    • For FL Studio, you need a custom MIDI script for this to work though. See my note on that: FL Studio

This is really helpful for playing things outside of the key of C>

  • Press S and 2 at the same time
  • Press the “Transp” key
  • Now, PB1 will transpose down, and PB2 will transpose up. Press them both together at the same time to reset back to C.

Changing what the “2” key does

Section titled Changing what the “2” key does
  • Press S and 2 at the same time
    • If you want to play X octaves higher, then press the “Oct” key, then press a black key corresponding to the number of octaves to raise, then press Enter (the highest C).
    • If you want to play two notes layered on top of each other, you can select “Layer”. However, you may need to set the octave using the “Oct” key, then the lowest F#, then Enter.