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Created: 2015-06-20 17:18:23 -0700 Modified: 2018-09-01 12:07:59 -0700

The package is straightforward except for one little bit: if you have text highlighted, then right-click a tab and choose “diff with tab”, it considers your highlighted text to be the “base” for the diff, not the entire tab’s content as I’d expected.

If a snippet isn’t working or if you’re working on making your own syntax highlighting theme, ctrl+alt+shift+P can come in handy since it will show the current scope in Sublime.

Also, you can specify multiple scopes for a snippet by using ”, ” to separate them (comma and a space).

hex(1234) → 0x4d2

If you ever need a range of numbers, you can use the “eval” plug-in which evaluates Python and do this:


It will give this:

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

10:37 HiDeoo: Adam13531 If you file is properly set to JavaScript (Babel) and not JS, it should work (at least it used too comment jsx properly)

10:38 HiDeoo: Reference to remove totally Javascript from Sublime and Babel by default

This worked for me, I just needed to make sure to set sublime-settings highlighting to the Babel->JSON syntax (which I think they already might have been).

Sublime Text 2 has ctrl+T by default to transpose characters OR words based on where the cursor is in a word. In Sublime Text 3, ctrl+T only transposes characters by default. I tried using plug-ins to fix this, but I couldn’t detect any differences after installing the plug-ins. I found a workaround here, but any time Sublime Text 3 gets an update to its default packages, you need to reapply this workaround.



If a Sublime plug-in ever uses the mouse for something that you don’t like, you can edit its Default.sublime-mousemap file to change it. There’s probably a way to do this in a more “Sublime” way, e.g. by editing a user copy of this file, but I probably won’t be using Sublime for long enough to care about that way.

Example path: %appdata%Sublime Text 2PackagesPlainTasksDefault.sublime-mousemap



Sublime accepts a filename as an argument, and if the filename doesn’t exist, it will create it on saving.

This means that instead of something like this:

touch test.txt

s test.txt <— where ‘s’ is my Sublime shortcut

Just do the second step

s test.txt

Then save the file when you’re done.



Writing Plug-ins (for ST2)

You can make a new plug-in from the Tools menu. I will be defined like “class MyCoolPluginCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand)“. To invoke it, you can launch the console with ctrl+` and type view.run_command(‘my_cool_plugin’)

This is because Sublime takes TheNameOfYourCommand, drops the “Command”, and makes it “the_name_of_your”.

This means you can add a keyboard shortcut by putting a line like this into your settings file:

{ “keys”: [“keypad_plus”], “command”: “my_cool_plugin” },

The View class contains all of your selected regions and any text. To see everything that you have selected, you can do this:

regions = self.view.sel()

for region in regions:

if not region.empty():

print self.view.substr(region) # this prints to the console, ctrl+`

Regions are not modifiable. I don’t know if this is best, but when I want to update a region, I first save all of the regions to another list, then clear the original list, then add the modified regions back in:

regions = []

for r in self.view.sel():


offset = 0

for region in regions:

old_offset = offset

Replace some text. “offset” is not necessarily equal to len(new_proto) in the case that tab characters were expanded into spaces.

Section titled Replace some text. “offset” is not necessarily equal to len(new_proto) in the case that tab characters were expanded into spaces.

offset += self.view.insert(edit, region.a + offset, new_proto)

new_start_index = region.a + len(class_name) + len(‘.prototype.‘) + old_offset

self.view.sel().add(sublime.Region(new_start_index, new_start_index + 3))

A Region’s start and end are “a” and “b” or “begin()” and “end()”, e.g. new sublime.Region(5,10).a == 5



Extensions that I like using:

  • DocBlockr: formats comments and automatically uses the jsdoc style.
  • Evaluate: useful for highlighting mathematical expressions like “2+5” and then evaluating. This lets you easily multiply a whole bunch of rows by 2, for example. I think it’s just a Python “eval”, so you can also do something like “max(4,5)“.
  • FileDiffs: lets you diff selections and tabs of arbitrary content.
  • Git: tons of useful git commands right in Sublime (add file, diff all, log, blame, etc.).
    • First, init it by providing the parent of a “.git” folder.
    • Then, you need to be working on a file that is a descendant of that parent folder.
    • Helpful tips:
      • Log All: lets you see the log across all commits, not just for the file that you’re working on.
  • GitGutter: puts a symbol in the gutter when a line has been modified from the git source
  • JSFormat: because “reindent lines” never works the way I want. Note that you have to put “format_selection”: true in the USER settings, not the default settings, otherwise it will always format the whole file.
  • ReverseR: this is a plug-in that I made and haven’t put on GitHub. It changes “true” to “false”, “Yes” to “No”, “BEFORE” to “AFTER”, etc.
  • All sorts of syntax highlighting: PowerShell, JavaScript Next (for ES6 at the time of writing (8/17/2015)), various assembly languages, etc.

To find more extensions, search here:



I only just figured out how DocBlockr figures out where to divide comments.

// These will


// be combined


// when you press alt+Q because there is a space after each ”//”.


// These


// won’t be combined.



In all of my time using Sublime, I’ve never had performance problems until I installed GitGutter. After that, moving lines up and down started acting VERY slow, but only on Windows. I changed two settings and the problems were fixed:

// Live mode evaluates changes every time file is modified,

// Set false to disable evaluation after each input

“live_mode”: false,

// When set to true GitGutter runs asynchronously in a seperate thread

// This may cause a small delay between a modification and the icon change

// but can increase performance greatly if needed.

“non_blocking”: true,
