Created: 2023-09-22 21:06:54 -0700 Modified: 2023-10-03 20:23:11 -0700
My Hammerspoon scripts
Section titled My Hammerspoon scripts- See this folder
- I deleted
only because I didn’t want that functionality anymore, but the script itself should contain some examples
- I deleted
Cheat sheet
Section titled Cheat sheetIf I ever come back to Hammerspoon, these are definitely the things I’ll want to know:
- Debug-logging: print(hs.inspect({type, some, vars, here}))
- The console has a text input at the bottom—use it!
- Log to the middle of the screen: hs.alert.show(“hello world”)
- Easiest development flow: in the Hammerspoon preferences, check “Keep Console window on top”, then open the Hammerspoon console from the 🔨 menu and reload your configuration from the dedicated button there.
- Type information: it’s all in the docs.
Section titled TroubleshootingTimers randomly stop working (reference)
Section titled Timers randomly stop working (reference)This is usually due to the timer being garbage-collected. If this happens to you, try storing the timer in a global variable or reading the reference link.
windowFocused event not being hit (reference)
Section titled windowFocused event not being hit (reference)Repro:
- Save this as init.lua:
local windowfilter=require'hs.window.filter'
function winFocused() print("winFocused")end
wf=windowfilter.copy(windowfilter.default,'my-log', 'debug'):setOverrideFilter{focused=true}wf:subscribe({[windowfilter.windowFocused]=winFocused})
- Reload your config
- Click between two Chrome windows for 5 seconds
- After 5 seconds, the event will stop firing
The workaround seems to be to switch windows, so I guess it’s not severe.
Lag moving windows
Section titled Lag moving windowsIf I use this script as written, I hit an issue that’s easiest to repro with Godot:
- Debug → Run Multiple Instances → Run 2 Instances
- Click ▶️
- Try to drag one of the windows as soon as they open
It lags a lot. If you comment out this specific line, it’ll turn off the mouse handler, which is apparently enough for it never to lag. I think the real cause is something like this where Godot just isn’t responding to accessibility events quickly enough. If I add this code in:
testTimer = hs.timer.doEvery(1, function () print(hs.inspect(hs.window._timed_allWindows())) end )testTimer:start()
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "A", function() print("Stopping the timer") testTimer:stop()end)
print("Press ⌥A to stop the print spam")
…then I get output like this:
2023-10-03 20:06:52: took 0.41s for com.knollsoft.Rectangle
2023-10-03 20:06:52: took 0.34s for org.godotengine.godot
I assume that 0.75s is the lag that I’m feeling, but I can’t figure out a way around it without losing functionality in my script.