Created: 2018-08-06 15:35:43 -0700 Modified: 2020-10-01 17:40:27 -0700
Background (reference)
Section titled Background (reference)Prettier autoformats JavaScript code.
Section titled TroubleshootingMarkdown dollar signs get escaped () (reference)
Section titled Markdown dollar signs get escaped () (reference)Note that this is only a problem when you don’t want to use math blocks, otherwise escaping the dollar sign is very important.
To fix this, you can make a .prettierignore with and _.mdx in it.
If you have a prettierignore and it’s still not working, then perhaps you don’t have the file open through your workspace, so it’s using the default Prettier that VSCode has built-in.
JSON won’t prettify
Section titled JSON won’t prettifyI get an error message saying that it expects a semicolon where it is definitely supposed to be a colon:
[error] packagesclientcreateassetmapassetmap.json: SyntaxError: Unexpected token, expected ";" (2:18)[error] 1 | {[error] > 2 | "blockly_media": "",
First, you should verify that your JSON file actually is correct by using this site (although make sure to set Options → —parser → json).
If that works, then verify that this command works:
.node_modules\binprettier.cmd —parser json <path to file>
If that works, then you may just need to specify the parser for JSON files. I was running prettier through NPM scripts, so here’s what I had (bad parts bolded):
{ "scripts": { "precommit": "lint-staged", "prettier": "prettier --write \packages/**/*.{js,json}\" }, "lint-staged": { "*.{js,json,md}": [ "prettier --write", "git add" ] },}
…and here’s what I ended up with:
{ "scripts": { "precommit": "lint-staged", "prettier": "prettier --write \packages/**/*.js\ && prettier --parser json --write \packages/**/*.json\" }, "lint-staged": { "*.{js,md}": [ "prettier --write", "git add" ], "*.json": [ "prettier --parser json --write", "git add" ] },}
As you can see, I had to split JS and JSON so that I could specify the right parser.