Created: 2020-05-21 12:47:46 -0700 Modified: 2020-10-01 17:34:40 -0700
Section titled IntroductionMDX is “JSX in Markdown”, and it’s what I’m using (at least for now) for blog posts on The AcAdamy. A blog post can then look like this
Section titled placeholder.mdxtitle: ‘Placeholder content’
date: ‘May 21st, 2020’
shortDescription: >
This is just about 100 characters of text. It’s like a small tweet.
thumbnail: ‘/blog/placeholder/thumbnail.png’
headerPicture: ‘/blog/placeholder/header_picture.png’
categories: [‘CATEGORY1’]
url: ‘/blog/foo’
import { EmailSignupInBlogPost } from ’../../components/EmailSignup’;
Header 1
Section titled Header 1This is markdown.
<EmailSignupInBlogPost />
Usage from NextJS
Section titled Usage from NextJSThese are just quick instructions for how to do this. You should be able to figure this all out from the next-mdx-enhanced page.
- Configure next-mdx-enhanced
- Install next-mdx-enhanced
- Add to .gitignore
- Use next-compose-plugins to compose plugin configuration:
const nextEnv = require('next-env');const withMdxEnhanced = require('next-mdx-enhanced');const withPlugins = require('next-compose-plugins');
const withNextEnv = nextEnv();
const mdxEnhancedConfig = { layoutPath: 'layouts', defaultLayout: true, fileExtensions: ['mdx'], remarkPlugins: [], rehypePlugins: [], extendFrontMatter: { process: (mdxContent, frontMatter) => {}, phase: 'prebuild|loader|both', },};
const nextConfiguration = { // MORE OPTIONS GO HERE OF COURSE poweredByHeader: false,};
module.exports = withPlugins( // [withMdxEnhanced(mdxEnhancedConfig), withNextEnv], nextConfiguration);
- Use it
- Make a layout in layouts/index.js
import React from “react”;
/* eslint-disable react/prop-types *//* eslint-disable react/display-name */export default function MDXLayout(frontMatter) { const {title, description} = frontMatter; return ({ children }) => { return ( <div> <div>{title} - {description}</div> <div>Your JSX goes here</div> <div>{children}</div> </div> ); };}
- Make the .mdx file from the Introduction section of this very note.
- Iterate over all of your .mdx files using babel-plugin-import-glob-array
- Make a .babelrc with these contents
“presets”: [“next/babel”],
“plugins”: [“import-glob-array”]
(no need to modify next.config.js for Babel here since you’re not modifying one of their built-=in plug-ins (reference))
Import all of your pages and render components from them
import React, { useState } from "react";import { frontMatter as blogPosts } from "./blog/*.mdx";
function formatPath(p) { return p.replace(/\mdx$/, "");}
export default function Blog() { return ( <div> {, (blogPost, index) => { const { title, shortDescription, __resourcePath } = blogPost;
// You would use "href" in a <Link> below const href = formatPath(__resourcePath); return ( <div> <div>{title}</div> <div>{shortDescription}</div> </div> ); })} </div> );}
Section titled TroubleshootingMissing “p” tag
Section titled Missing “p” tagWhen I start an MDX line with my own component (like “<TextLink href={blah}/>More text here”), no <p> tag is emitted. To fix this, I just manually surrounded that line with <p>TEXT</p>.
Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘.mdx-data/5b462b11952e6606145af3b6c04e59ba.json’ (reference)
Section titled Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘.mdx-data/5b462b11952e6606145af3b6c04e59ba.json’ (reference)I did a few things here, but I don’t know exactly what fixed it:
- Flush folder: rm -rf .next out .mdx-data
- Run yarn
- Try importing a specific .mdx file instead of using babel-plugin-import-glob-array to import *.mdx. I feel like this may have done it since I think I wasn’t generating the right JSON files otherwise.