Created: 2015-12-14 11:11:43 -0800 Modified: 2019-12-09 10:22:59 -0800
Section titled Basics- Keep in mind that BIGINT is 8 bytes, but JavaScript can only safely represent integers up to 9007199254740991. For autoincrementing IDs, you’ll probably never hit this number, but you need to keep in mind that a number like 9007199254741491 may not be representable by JavaScript (in this case, it’s stored as 9007199254741492).
- “.increments()” automatically makes the column a primary key. If you don’t want this, you have to use “.raw” (reference, also see my MySQL note on how increments needs to be a key):
Addingknex.schema.raw('ALTER TABLE my_table ADD cmdId INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT');Modifyingknex.schema.raw('ALTER TABLE my_table MODIFY cmdId INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT');
count(distinct foo)
Section titled count(distinct foo)Both of the calls below are the same, but the latter looks better.
The long way (“groupBy” followed by “_.size”):
const dbResp = await knex('campaign_missions') .select(knex.raw('1')) .join('users', '', '=', 'campaign_missions.user_id') .groupBy('campaign_missions.user_id');
const numUniquePlayers = _.size(dbResp);
The short way (“count distinct”):
const { COUNT: numUniquePlayers } = await knex('campaign_missions') .select(knex.raw('count(distinct as COUNT')) .join('users', '', '=', 'campaign_missions.user_id') .first();
I.e. “count distinct” is possible, but you need knex.raw for it.
Setting isolation level
Section titled Setting isolation levelI wasn’t able to figure this out on my own. This is the closest to what I have that would be a working solution, but at least with async/await, it didn’t work for me at all.
Error: ER_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS: Transaction characteristics can’t be changed while a transaction is in progress
whereIn with multiple objects (reference)
Section titled whereIn with multiple objects (reference)I had a situation where I had an array of user IDs and I wanted to select from a table with a composite primary key of [‘user_id’, ‘device_id’] with all of their devices. I used whereIn with an array of arrays to do this:
const dbDevices = await trx('devices') .select('user_id', 'device_id') .whereIn('user_id', userIds);
const userIdDeviceIdCombos =, ({ user_id, device_id }) => [ user_id, device_id,]);
const dbSubscriptionArns = await trx('aws_sns_subscription_arns') .select('arn') .whereIn(['user_id', 'device_id'], userIdDeviceIdCombos);
insert / whereNotExist
Section titled insert / whereNotExistFrom what I understand, if you’re doing an INSERT and you want Dataset X to be used if a row exists and Dataset Y to be used if it doesn’t exist, you can use this combination of insert() / whereNotExists():
16:04 HiDeoo You never use insert() / whereNotExists() ?
16:05 HiDeoo Example
Composite foreign/primary keys
Section titled Composite foreign/primary keysFor both, you can accomplish this by specifying an array of columns:
Composite foreign key:
table .foreign(['user_id', 'device_id']) .onDelete('CASCADE') .references(['user_id', 'device_id']) .inTable('devices');
Composite primary key:
table.primary(['user_id', 'device_id', 'notification_type']);
Altering a column to have a different type or default (reference)
Section titled Altering a column to have a different type or default (reference)Let’s say you have a bunch of rows in a database and you want to add a “status” column to those. You want all existing rows to get a status of “STARTED”, but all future rows to have to define their own “status” explicitly. Thus, you can’t just set a default and leave it, otherwise future rows would get that default, but you also can’t say “notNullable” or existing rows would violate that property.
Here’s how to do this in Knex:
function alterSeasonsTable(knex) { return knex.schema.alterTable('seasons', (table) => { // Because there's no "status" column to begin with and seasons may exist, // we want to set a default just to give the existing season a value. table .enu('status', _.keys(SeasonStatus)) .notNullable() .defaultTo(SeasonStatus.STARTED);
// However, we don't want a default to STAY on this column, so we alter it // again. table .enu('status', _.keys(SeasonStatus)) .notNullable() .alter(); });}
Changing a foreign key
Section titled Changing a foreign keyFirst, you need to remove the foreign key with “dropForeign” and the column names specified in the original “foreign” command:
table .foreign('user_id') .onDelete('CASCADE') .references('id') .inTable('users');
Transactions with async/await
Section titled Transactions with async/awaitHere’s an example of the syntax for this (make sure your Node version is higher than 5 or whatever it was that added async/await):
return this.knex.transaction(async (trx) => { const dbResp = await trx('users') .select('name') .where('id', '=', 1);
console.log('dbResp: ' + JSON.stringify(dbResp)); });
Note: if you wrap an “await” with try/catch that the internal catch isn’t going to rollback a transaction; you need to throw for that: Alternatively: you can call “trx.rollback” if you’re going to manually catch, but it’s probably just best to throw and let Knex handle it.
Primary index
Section titled Primary indexI’ve gotten the advice that each database table should have a primary index. I had a table like this:
+-----------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-----------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| user_id | bigint(20) unsigned | NO | MUL | <null> | || is_attack | tinyint(1) | NO | | <null> | || highest_rating | float(8,2) | NO | | <null> | || lowest_rating | float(8,2) | NO | | <null> | || starting_rating | float(8,2) | NO | | <null> | |+-----------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
Rows should be unique here by user_id and is_attack, so for me to do that, I call this Knex:
function setupForeignKeysForUsersLeagues(knex) { return knex.schema.table('users_leagues', (table) => { table .foreign('user_id') .references('id') .inTable('users');
// This should be unique since users_leagues only represents the current // season. table.primary( ['user_id', 'is_attack'], 'users_leagues_user_id_and_is_attack_index' ); });}
That produces this table (notice the “PRI” next to user_id and is_attack):
+-----------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-----------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| user_id | bigint(20) unsigned | NO | PRI | <null> | || is_attack | tinyint(1) | NO | PRI | <null> | || highest_rating | float(8,2) | NO | | <null> | || lowest_rating | float(8,2) | NO | | <null> | || starting_rating | float(8,2) | NO | | <null> | |+-----------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
Creating a stored procedure
Section titled Creating a stored procedureThis uses knex.raw, but it’s worth noting that you can’t use DELIMITER from knex (as it only seems to exist in particular client programs):
const procedure = `CREATE PROCEDURE \getAllUserNames\ (IN unusedInParameter INT)BEGINSELECT nameFROM users;END`;knex.schema .raw(procedure) .then(() => { console.log("Success"); }) .catch(error => { console.log("Failure", error); });
Default a datetime to now
Section titled Default a datetime to nowThe documentation doesn’t talk about this in depth, but you can do something like this:
table .dateTime('created_at') .notNullable() .defaultTo(;
Note that when I tried this, I ended up getting my local time put into the database, whereas in JavaScript, if I specified a “new Date()”, I’d get UTC (which I think was based on specifying “timezone”:“z” in the connection string).
Section titled whereSmall note: ”=” is assumed as the operator:
knex.where('id', userId); // fine and shortknex.where('id', '=', userId); // fine, but more verbose
To select a column aliased to another name, just use “as” directly in the “select”:
.join(‘matches’, ‘’, ’=’, ‘ongoing_matches.match_id’)
.select(‘’, ‘matches.defender_id as match_defender’)
.where(‘matches.attacker_id’, ’=’, 1)
Result: {“id”:9,“match_defender”:4}
If you want to combine “as” with a “knex.raw” call, do something like this:
const {testeroni: avgExecutionTime} = await this.knex('execution_metrics') .avg({ testeroni: this.knex.raw('elapsed_time / num_turns') }) .first() .where('created_at', '>', this.knex.raw('now() - interval 1 day'));
Section titled JoinsJoining with composite keys (reference)
Section titled Joining with composite keys (reference)You have to use the callback syntax, e.g.'*').from('devices').join('notification_settings', function() { this.on('notification_settings.device_id', '=', 'devices.device_id').andOn('notification_settings.user_id', '=', 'devices.user_id')});
That turns into this SQL:
select * from `devices` inner join `notification_settings` on `notification_settings`.`device_id` = `devices`.`device_id` and `notification_settings`.`user_id` = `devices`.`user_id`
Misc notes
Section titled Misc notesIf you don’t do this with “as” and you instead just “select()” (i.e. “select *”), then conflicting names from joins will be overwritten. In this case, my ongoing_matches and matches tables both have an “id” column, so every once in a while I would end up getting the wrong column.
Your solutions here are to alias the entire table as shown here or to select specific columns as shown in the code snippet above. It’s apparently an antipattern to select * from a table in MySQL (probably for reasons like this and also performance/memory usage).
Note: MySQL has no problem returning two values with the same name (although you wouldn’t be able to differentiate between the two):
SELECT ongoing_matches
FROM ongoing_matches
INNER JOIN matches
ON matches
= ongoing_matches
WHERE matches
= 1 LIMIT 1
| id | id |
| 12 | 42 |
JavaScript will choke on that though because object keys need to be unique.
This can be fixed by using a query like this:
SELECT ongoing_matches
AS ongoing_matches_id
AS matches_id
FROM ongoing_matches
INNER JOIN matches
ON matches
= ongoing_matches
Note: there are two ways to do this with Knex:
- knex.raw with “as”
knex("ongoing_matches") .select([ knex.raw(" as match_id"), knex.raw(" as ongoing_match_id") ]) .join("matches", "ongoing_matches.match_id", "=", "");
- You can also use “identifier syntax” (reference)
knex("ongoing_matches") .select({ match_id: "", ongoing_match_id: "", start_time: "start_time" }) .join("matches", "ongoing_matches.match_id", "=", "");
Section titled “.first”Let’s say you have a function like this:
getUserByEmailAddress(emailAddress) { return this.knex('users') .select() .where('email_address', '=', emailAddress) .then((dbResp) => { // Return the user object. return dbResp[0]; });}
Instead of returning “dbResp[0];”, you can use “.first()”, which not only has the “dbResp[0]” built-in, but also adds a “limit 1” to the query (which could improve performance for certain requests):
‘select * from users
limit 1’
Thus, the final function looks like this:
getUserByEmailAddress(emailAddress) { return this.knex('users') .select() .where('email_address', '=', emailAddress) .first();}
Query basics
Section titled Query basicsReusing a query
Section titled Reusing a queryUse “clone” if you plan on reusing a query for later so that there’s no internal state:
const baseQuery = knex('users').select('name').where('id', id);const cloneForGetNumRows = baseQuery.clone();
If you don’t need to reuse the query, then see “conditionally adding on to a query”.
Conditionally adding on to a query
Section titled Conditionally adding on to a queryYou can optionally add to a query like this if you want since it’s just the builder pattern where “.then” coerces it into a Promise:
getScriptsForUser(userId, scriptIds = undefined) { const query = this.knex('scripts') .andWhere('user_id', '=', userId);
if (util.exists(scriptIds)) { query.whereIn('id', scriptIds); }
return query; }
Section titled INSERT INTO … SELECTI didn’t actually try this out, but here’s an issue on how to do it:
Section titled knex.raw10/17/2016
This can be helpful when you’re trying to do something that doesn’t exactly fit the paradigm that knex lays out for you. For example, when a user logged in, I wanted to update their number of logins and their last login time. I thought it would have taken an “update” and an “increments” in the query builder, but that didn’t do what I expected (I think it only did the increments) (UPDATE: update+increments doesn’t work only because of a bug). Instead, I ended up with this:
return this.knex(‘users’)
.where(‘id’, ’=’, userId)
last_login_date: new Date(),
num_logins: this.knex.raw(‘num_logins + 1’)
volatilemajesty: if you mark variables as ":id", ":instanceId"instead of ”?”, you can pass in an object. cleans things up
Be very careful not to open yourself up to injection attacks by using proper bindings (reference)
Here’s an example using named bindings and some extra functions so that I can concatenate with a “log” string that keeps getting built up from null (hence the “COALESCE” (reference)):
const details = 'you were banned';yield trx('bans') .whereIn('user_id', ids) .update({ ban_details: trx.raw("CONCAT(COALESCE(ban_details, ''), :details)", { details, }), });
This doesn’t exist in Knex and the creators don’t want it to exist (apparently because of how particular each database vendor works with upsert semantics). From what I can see, it seems like using “knex.raw” combined with “ON DUPLICATE KEY” (MySQL) or “ON CONFLICT” (PostgreSQL) is the best way to go.
MySQL knex upsert example (this code is based on the code suggested here for PostgreSQL)
Section titled MySQL knex upsert example (this code is based on the code suggested here for PostgreSQL)const knexClientMySQL = require('knex/lib/dialects/mysql');const knexClientMaria = require('knex/lib/dialects/maria');
/** * Inserts or updates in a single query. * @param {string} options.table - the name of the table to upsert into * @param {Object} options.object - the object to insert or update * @param {?Knex} knex - if specified, this should represent an existing * transaction if you want this to be rolled back/committed as part of * another set of queries, otherwise it will fall back to the instance-level * Knex object. * @return {Promise} */upsert({ table, object }, trx = this.knex) { // This specific setup will only work with MySQL/Maria due to the raw SQL // syntax. assert( trx.client instanceof knexClientMySQL || trx.client instanceof knexClientMaria );
const insert = trx(table).insert(object); const update = trx .queryBuilder() .update(object) .toString();
// In MySQL, "update" typically pairs with "SET", but it does NOT when doing // an upsert, so we have to remove the "set". const mySqlUpdate = update.replace(/updates+set/i, 'update ');
return trx.raw(`? ON DUPLICATE KEY ${mySqlUpdate}`, [insert]);}
Here’s how you would call the function:
const objToUpsert = { user_id: 1, is_attack: true, games_played: 6,};
await upsert({ table: 'users_leagues', object: objToUpsert});
Be very careful when calling upsert with values based on existing data. For example, suppose you want to upsert a row so that “lowest_rating” is always the minimum of the existing lowest_rating and the new rating. You may think to do this:
const objectToUpsert = { user_id: userId, is_attack: isAttack, lowest_rating: trx.raw( `LEAST(lowest_rating, ${newRating})` )};
However, on insert, lowest_rating won’t exist, so it’ll get set to 0. Instead, you need this ridiculous query:
LEAST(COALESCE(NULLIF(lowest_rating, 0), ${newRating}), ${newRating})
“NULLIF” will set lowest_rating to null when it’s 0, so then COALESCE will use the newRating, and finally LEAST will always pick the lower of two now-defined ratings.
Rather than have to use a bunch of COALESCE and NULLIF, I think it may be better to just rewrite the “upsert” function from above to take in separate insert/update objects. Here’s an example:
/** * Inserts or updates in a single query. * @param {string} options.table - the name of the table to upsert into * @param {Object} options.insertObject - the object to insert * @param {Object} options.updateObject - the object to update * @param {Object} options.insertOrUpdateObject - the object to use for * both inserting and updating. You can't specify this if you're going to * specify the objects individually above. * @param {?Knex} knex - if specified, this should represent an existing * transaction if you want this to be rolled back/committed as part of * another set of queries, otherwise it will fall back to the instance-level * Knex object. * @return {Promise} */ upsert( { table, insertObject, updateObject, insertOrUpdateObject }, trx = this.knex ) { assert( (!_.isNil(insertObject) && !_.isNil(updateObject) && _.isNil(insertOrUpdateObject)) || (_.isNil(insertObject) && _.isNil(updateObject) && !_.isNil(insertOrUpdateObject)), 'You can only specify either insertObject AND updateObject or just insertOrUpdateObject' );
insertObject = _.defaultTo(insertObject, insertOrUpdateObject); updateObject = _.defaultTo(updateObject, insertOrUpdateObject);
// This specific setup will only work with MySQL/Maria due to the raw SQL // syntax. assert( trx.client instanceof knexClientMySQL || trx.client instanceof knexClientMaria );
const insert = trx(table).insert(insertObject); const update = trx .queryBuilder() .update(updateObject) .toString();
// In MySQL, "update" typically pairs with "SET", but it does NOT when doing // an upsert, so we have to remove the "set". const mySqlUpdate = update.replace(/updates+set/i, 'update ');
return trx.raw(`? ON DUPLICATE KEY ${mySqlUpdate}`, [insert]); }
Note: the return value from “upsert” looks something like this:
dbResp: [
“fieldCount”: 0,
“affectedRows”: 2,
“insertId”: 0,
“serverStatus”: 2,
“warningCount”: 0,
“message”: "",
“protocol41”: true,
“changedRows”: 0
- insertId apparently only gets set if you have an auto-incremented primary key
- affectedRows is 2 in the case of an update (rather than an insert) due to this
Multiple queries in a transaction
Section titled Multiple queries in a transactionOriginally, I thought that maybe I should do something like this:
const insertOrUpdateObject = { key, value: JSON.stringify(value) };
return this.knex.transaction(async (trx) => { const dbRowsAffected = await trx('overseer_config') .update(insertOrUpdateObject) .where({ key, });
if (dbRowsAffected === 0) { await trx('overseer_config').insert(insertOrUpdateObject); }});
However, there’s a potential race condition here even though there’s a transaction in use. It is possible that each connection calls “update”, gets back 0 rows, then each connection tries inserting, which would result in an error on the second transaction to run.
There are two ways to address this race condition:
- A table-level lock (which sounds like a bad idea)
- A lock on a related table. For example, I ran into a problem with Bot Land where I needed to pull in rating information for two players (from the “users” table), update it, and save it back to both “users” and “usersleagues”. Saving to “users_leagues” would involve an upsert, which means that if multiple connections tried upserting into users_leagues for the same player, they _could both take the “insert” route, meaning one of them would fail. To get around this, I perform the entirety of the updates (to both “users” and “users_leagues”) in a single transaction and make sure to start by selecting “forUpdate” on “users”. By doing this, we can’t get to the upsert in users_leagues unless we acquired the lock for “users”.
Upsert conclusions:
- Upsert is database-specific, so the MySQL upsert won’t be compatible with PostgreSQL.
- Upsert is great for queries whose insert/update semantics are the same. E.g. if you always just want to set “column”=“value”, then awesome, use upsert. If you want to do something specific on only insert, then you probably should use a transaction.
- If using a transaction, you should lock on another table since you can’t lock on rows that don’t exist yet and wouldn’t want a table-wide lock, that way you avoid having two transactions try to insert the same data and fail.
Section titled Migrations12/14/2015
- Note: it’s a really good idea to take a back-up of a database before running migrations. Typically, migrations are going to alter tables in addition to adding new ones, and altering a table can’t be rolled back in MySQL (reference). To back up a database, check out this note.
- knex migrations:
- First, make your knexfile.js
- knex init
- Modify the knexfile.js to include your environments and connection information.
- Set up your database. I never found out whether this is something you should do through knex or through the command line, so I just did it through the command line.
- First, make your knexfile.js
CREATE DATABASE knex_migration_db;
USE knex_migration_db;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON knex_migration_db.* TO ‘Adam’@‘localhost’;
Make the knex migration file (see next section for more notes on the structure of this)
- knex migrate:make migration_name
- If this fails with ENOENT, then you probably just need to make the “migrations” folder.
- The “migration_name” is used in the file name; it’s appended to the datetime-stamp of creation. I believe it’s just a moniker for you so that you can say something like “v1_to_v2” or something.
- For Adam: if you need to make a new migration for Bot Land locally:
- Convert all of B:CodeBotLandbotlandpackagesdatabase\env.development into “set FOO=BAR” statements to put those environment variables into the current environment.
- Go to the packages/database/src folder
- “knex migrate:make migration_name”
- knex migrate:make migration_name
Modify the migration file that was created to include any setup you need, e.g. making tables, inserting rows, etc.
Run the migrations
- knex migrate:latest —env development
- Remember: there is a configuration value in knexfile.js called migrations: {tableName: ‘knex_migrations’}. This will create a knex_migrations table in your database if it doesn’t already exist. That table keeps track of which migration files were run so that it can know where to pick up next time.
- For Adam (for Bot Land), yarn run db:migrate
Migration files
- You should define functions like this:
- exports.up = function(knex, Promise) {};
- exports.down = function(knex, Promise) {};
- The “up” function defines how you upgrade from the last migration file to this one.
- The “down” function lets you specify rollback behavior if you want. This is not necessarily an inverse of the “up” function, e.g. you don’t need to drop a table that you created in “up”. Instead, you can use this for custom functionality like creating a backup table, filling that with data, and THEN dropping the original table so that you’ve rolled back correctly.
- Migrations are automatically run inside of transactions, but keep in mind that altering tables in MySQL cannot be rolled back (reference). That means that if you’re going to be altering tables, and hit a failure, you would have to manually undo your changes just to be able to re-run the file. This is why it’s good to take a back-up beforehand.
- You should define functions like this:
ES6 migrations (reference)
Section titled ES6 migrations (reference)I originally tried to use node-babel for this via an NPM script in package.json, but I ran into issues trying to use the migrations from the API in test code (knex.migrate.latest()), so I had to switch to babel-register:
- npm install —save-dev babel-register
- Modify knexfile.js to include require(‘babel-register’);
- Add this NPM script
- “knex”: “node node_modules/knex/bin/cli.js —knexfile database/knexfile.js”,
- Note that you can probably just say “knex —knexfile database/knexfile.js”, but I have “knex.cmd” in the same directory and Windows is acting very strange when it comes to writing it that way.
- Make sure you have a .babelrc like this
{ // Note: this entire file only exists so that babel-register works "compact": false, "presets": [ [ "env", { "targets": { "node": "current" } } ] ]}
- Make sure babel-register shows up in your test code somewhere since I think calling knex.migrate.latest directly bypasses the knexfile.js (not sure about this).
Note: you can consider using ESM, which is a smaller library solely for working with ES modules. It was made by the same creator of Lodash. To run using ESM, you just do something like this:
node -r esm index.js
By using this, you don’t need a .babelrc file.
Based on what I read at the reference and what tollus says below, it sounds like I need to use Babel and then change the command line that gets invoked (which would involve changing Ansible scripts for Bot Land):
10:15 tollus: if you want to use es6/imports you have to call babel first, i did it with a npm script called ‘knex’ with ‘babel-node node_modules/knex/bin/cli.js’
10:15 tollus: then i run ‘npm run knex — migrate:xyz’
What I did for this:
npm install —save-dev babel-cli
Add this to package.json (note: I had to specify the knexfile.js only because it was in a different folder):
“knex”: “babel-node node_modules/knex/bin/cli.js —knexfile database/knexfile.js”,
Modified Ansible to have the command look something like this:
command: npm run knex — migrate:latest —env development chdir={{ accountServerDir }}/account_server
Date and DateTime guidelines
Section titled Date and DateTime guidelinesConverting between MySQL Date and JavaScript Date objects
Section titled Converting between MySQL Date and JavaScript Date objects6/17/2019
This is quite tedious! If you do “.where(‘somedate_column’, aJsDateObject)”, it _will work, but only if the Date object has the time portion set to 00:00:00. If you want to generate the current day’s Date object with a zeroed-out time portion, you can use this code:
const todayDate = new Date();const todayAsUtc = new Date( Date.UTC( todayDate.getFullYear(), todayDate.getMonth(), todayDate.getDate(), 0, 0, 0 ));
I’m on PDT, so it’s currently 11:48 AM, but the UTC time shows as 18:48, so the resulting Date from this is “2019-06-17T00:00:00.000Z”.
Alternatively, rather than doing anything in JavaScript, you can just use the MySQL built-in function “curdate()”, e.g.
.where(‘some_date_column’, knex.raw(‘curdate()‘))
Converting between MySQL DateTime and JavaScript Date objects
Section titled Converting between MySQL DateTime and JavaScript Date objects1/21/2016
Knex handles conversions between MySQL DateTime and JavaScript Date objects. However, you should make sure you connect with timezone set to ‘Z’:
knex = require(‘knex’)({
client: ‘mysql’,
connection: {
host: databaseHost,
user: databaseUser,
password: databasePassword,
timezone: ‘Z’,
database: databaseName
If you DID want a function to convert from JavaScript —> MySQL, you can use this code that I adapted from a StackOverflow answer:
This is mostly used by convertJSDateToMySQLDateTime to pad number strings.
@param {number} d
@return {string}
function twoDigits(d) {
if (d >= 0 && d < 10) {
return ‘0’ + d;
if (d < 0 && d > -10) {
return ‘-0’ + (-1 * d);
return d.toString();
Converts a JavaScript Date object into the MySQL format for DateTime.
E.g. the epoch turns into ‘1970-01-01 00:00:00’.
@param {Date} date
@return {string}
export function convertJSDateToMySQLDateTime(date) {
const year = date.getUTCFullYear();
const month = twoDigits(1 + date.getUTCMonth());
const dayOfMonth = twoDigits(date.getUTCDate());
const hours = twoDigits(date.getUTCHours());
const minutes = twoDigits(date.getUTCMinutes());
const seconds = twoDigits(date.getUTCSeconds());
return ${year}-${month}-${dayOfMonth} ${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}
// return ${date.getUTCFullYear()}-${twoDigits(1 + date.getUTCMonth())}
// -${twoDigits(date.getUTCDate())} ${twoDigits(date.getUTCHours())}
// :${twoDigits(date.getUTCMinutes())}:${twoDigits(date.getUTCSeconds())}
Comparing DateTime
Section titled Comparing DateTimeJust do something like this:
return this.knex
.select([‘id, def_estimated_skill’])
// They need to have a defense
// They need to have logged in recently
.andWhere(‘last*login_date’, ’>’, new Date( - 30 * 24 _ 60 _ 60 _ 1000))
// Find users with the lowest difference in skill.
.orderByRaw(ABS(def_estimated_skill - ${atkEstimatedSkill}) ASC
// We set the limit very high so that it’s likely to find someone
// who they haven’t played against before. Ideally, this function
// won’t be called many times because we should cache the results
// from every function like this in the Matchmaker.
Section titled TroubleshootingDebugging transactions
Section titled Debugging transactionsOn Windows:
set DEBUG=knex:tx
<run your program>
Knex:warning - Transaction was implicitly committed, do not mix transactions and DDL with MySQL (#805)
Section titled Knex:warning - Transaction was implicitly committed, do not mix transactions and DDL with MySQL (#805)This happened when I was doing certain alterTable statements from inside a migration (even if they were all running sequentially with “await”), then called into my own knex.transaction despite that the existing “knex” was already a transaction object due to how migrations take place in transactions. Thus, I’m pretty sure it means I could just ignore the warnings, but it also means that the auto-committing behavior would make it very difficult to recover from errors as only part of the migration would have gone through.
This apparently happens because a savepoint doesn’t exist in MySQL (reference).
Section titled ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGNIf you run into errors like this:
Error: ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN: Cannot add foreign key constraint
Type this into MySQL:
You’ll see a section like this:
2017-02-11 14:13:58 0x1034 Error in foreign key constraint of table botland/#sql-abc_146:
foreign key (game_version
) references game_versions
) on delete SET NULL:
You have defined a SET NULL condition though some of the
columns are defined as NOT NULL.
In this particular case, I had “ON DELETE SET NULL” on a column that couldn’t be null.
In another sillier case, I had a MySQL statement of “drop A; drop B; drop C;”, but table C needed to be deleted before B, so I just reordered the drop statements.
Transactions are not “all or nothing” due to locking tables
Section titled Transactions are not “all or nothing” due to locking tablesUPDATE: I think this is just how autocommit works and that you can disable it for a session.
As far as I can tell, this is just how MySQL works (reference). If you have something like this code, it will persist to disk immediately due to locking semantics with transactions:
async function transactionTest() { await knex.transaction(async trx => { await trx.raw('LOCK TABLES users WRITE');
// Kick off some promises
// Because an error is thrown, you would expect the whole transaction to // roll back, but the lock causes certain things to be committed anyway. throw new Error('fake error');
// TODO: unlock tables if you ever make it past this error in non-example code (the command is "UNLOCK TABLES" regardless of which or how many tables you have locked) });}
As for a solution, I didn’t actually come up with one. I bypassed this by avoiding table-level locks altogether (which itself could only be done by never running the particular queries unless the database couldn’t be modified via user-controlled actions (i.e. the servers are essentially offline)).
If you don’t use a transaction you could get an error like “Error: ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED: Table ‘current_season’ was not locked with LOCK TABLES”. The reason why is because you’ll call “LOCK TABLES” on one connection without blocking other connections from going through, so if they try accessing any table that you haven’t locked, then you’ll get the aforementioned error.
In the end, here’s what your code should look like:
async someFunctionRequiringLockedTables() { return this.knex.transaction(async (trx) => { try { await trx.raw('LOCK TABLES some_table_name WRITE');
// ...code to use some_table_name } finally { await trx.raw('UNLOCK TABLES'); } });}
The only issue is that the official MySQL + InnoDb docs (reference) say that you shouldn’t use “START TRANSACTION” when you’re going to lock a table because of the differences between MySQL and InnoDb locks. You should instead use “SET autocommit=0;” and then just call “UNLOCK TABLES” at the end.