Software licenses
Created: 2017-07-07 08:50:38 -0700 Modified: 2017-10-21 21:23:11 -0700
Section titled BasicsThis note covers how you need to provide attribution and licensing when it comes to code.
There is a site called TL;DR Legal that goes over the absolute basics (in a not-legally-culpable way).
Automatically generating license files
Section titled Automatically generating license files[note: I never got this to work due to problems installing packages with Sinopia in the mix]
HiDeoo: @Adam13531 Can I give you an advice? Clone Bot Land client repo in another folder, run ‘yarn install’ and then run ‘yarn licenses generate-disclaimer’
Note: this requires Yarn, so you should clone your repo.
Afterward, do a “yarn install”, then “yarn licenses” and the generation tool are built in to Yarn, so there’s no extra package to install.
Note: because I use Sinopia/Verdaccio, I needed to do this (with the right URL (“npm config get registry”), not localhost)
yarn config set registry http://localhost:4873/`yarn login
HiDeoo: Adam13531
HiDeoo: I had to make sure to login to the scope
on npm, using npm adduser --registry= <> --scope=@foo --always-auth
^— run that command even though we’re using Yarn
Then run “yarn login”
MIT License
Section titled MIT LicenseThis is a very permissive license. Just include the copyright and the license.
Apache 2.0 License
Section titled Apache 2.0 LicenseLike the MIT license, you have to include:
- Copyright
- License
- A “NOTICE” file, if present
- State significant changes to the project
Open fonts (like Google Fonts)
Section titled Open fonts (like Google Fonts)These are licensed under the OFL (open font license):
Their FAQ is really helpful:
I’m PRETTY sure here’s how you’re supposed to license the fonts:
- Download the license: (get the most up-to-date one from
- Fill in the placeholders using the names on here: