Shaders (GLSL)
Created: 2016-04-15 11:06:07 -0700 Modified: 2019-06-07 12:01:26 -0700
Random info
Section titled Random infoShader language intro (for C++ but applies to all):!Getting-started/Shaders
Lucalo123: ye you should and try not to make a shader call every iteration Lucalo123: shader language has time variables and such too Lucalo123: usually you initialize all the colors / textures etc before runtime Lucalo123: and use uniforms to change values
rebinding a texture = separate draw call, changing a shader or its uniform = a separate draw call
3:25 AustinSpafford: @Adam13531 Copying the “!learnshaders” command from Jessica’s channel: Jessica used the 5th editon of this book: Others have used and
Section titled Functionsfract will give you the value of a number after the decimal point, e.g. “fract(1.123)” ==> “0.123”.
Section titled TypesAttribute vs. uniform vs. varying (reference):
- Uniforms are global and cannot be modified by shaders. They are passed in by the application.
- Attributes are per-vertex (as opposed to global like uniforms) and are only used by the vertex shader.
- Varying are used for interpolated data between vertex and fragment shaders. The vertex shader sets this, then the fragment shader reads it.
Spritesheet problem
Section titled Spritesheet problemWhen I was working in Pixi JS, I wanted to colorize sprites based on a combination of base sprite and mask sprite. The issue is that both of these sprites came from spritesheets, so their UV coordinates were based on the spritesheet. What I needed to do (and didn’t actually figure out how thanks to Pixi JS’s API) was specify aMaskTextureCoord:
// vertex shader
attribute vec2 aMaskTextureCoord;
varying vec2 vMaskTextureCoord;
void main(void){
gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);
vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;
// This will be interpolated in the fragment shader automatically
vMaskTextureCoord = aMaskTextureCoord;
vColor = vec4(aColor.rgb * aColor.a, aColor.a);
Then, in the fragment shader, I would’ve been able to take in the “varying vec2 vMaskTextureCoord;” and use that to figure out what color a particular pixel was.